Sunday 28 February 2016


Nicio zi nu trece in care sa nu-mi amintesc ce mi s-a intamplat din cauza Jocului. S-a intamplat acum trei luni. Eu si cu verisorii mei, Eric si Ianis, ne plimbam prin subsol, cand dintr-o data Eric a rasturnat un joc vechi numit "Castiga sau Mori".
- Suna  misterios, zise Ianis. Hai sa-l jucam.
- Bine. Care sunt regulile?
Eric ia regulile si citeste:
"1) Castiga jucatorul care ajunge primul la sfarsit.
 2)Daca un jucator ajunge pe un patratel pe care scrie Ia o carte, acesta va lua o carte.
 3) Odata ce jocul a fost inceput niciun jucator nu va putea sa faca altceva in afara de al juca.
 4) Odata ce un jucator a castigat toti jucatorii vii se vor intoarce la starea lor normala.
 5) Daca un jucator da cu ambele zaruri 6, acesta va mai juca un rand.
 6) Daca un jucator ajunge pe un patrat pe care este desenata o gaura neagra va fi sters din istorie si o singura persoana alesa de el il va tine minte".
 - Bine, hai sa-l incepem, am zis eu. 
Ne alegem fiecare cate un pion si amestecam teancul de carti. Eric incepe. Da cu zarul si da un 6 si un 1. Merge pe patratelul 7 pe care scrie: "Ia o carte". 
Eric ia o carte din teanc pe care scrie :
"Ceasul merge inapoi
 Te opresti la ora 2.
 Fii atent, intineresti
Si nu mai inbatranesti."
Dupa ce termina de citit incepe sa se transforme: scade in inaltime, slabeste un pic, cicatricea capatata la cinci ani i-a disparut si arata exact ca la 2 ani.
- Ce s-a intamplat? ma intreaba Eric.
- Ce scria pe cartonas. Ai intinerit pana la 2 ani, zice Ianis.
- Stii ceva? zice Ianis. Eu nu mai joc. Nu vreau sa mi se intample ceva mai rau. Am plecat de aici.
Se ridica si se indreapta spre usa. Deodata este aruncat cinci metri in spate de catre o forta invizibila.
- E randul meu, zic eu. 
Dau cu zarul si obtin un 1 si un 3. Ajung pe un patratel gol. Acum e randul lui Ianis. Da un  2 si un 1. Ajunge si el pe un patratel gol. Apoi e randul lui Eric, care pare ca a continuat sa intinereasca: oasele au inceput sa i se deformeze si ochii lui sunt acum gri. Da cu zarul. Arunca un 4 si un 2 si ajunge pe 13. Patratul este gol. Apoi e randul meu, Dau un 3 si un 5 si ajung pe 12. Scrie "Ia o carte". Eu iau o carte pe care scrie:
"Dintii tai acum sunt colti
 Picioarele acum sunt roti
 Nasul tau e albastrel
 Iar tu nu mai esti la fel".
- Arati ca un monstru, zise Ianis. 
Ma uit in oglinda si nu-mi vine sa cred. Dintii mi se transformasera in colti, picioarele in roti iar nasul mi se facuse albastru. Ianis da cu zarul din nou. Da un 3 si un 4. Ajunge pe 10, unde este o gaura neagra. Ianis incepe sa dispara pana n-a mai ramas nimic din el.
- Ce s-a intamplat? il intreb pe Eric.
- Cred ca a fost sters din istorie, imi raspunde. 
E randul lui Eric. Da un 2 si un 4 si ajunge pe 19. Patratul este gol. Acum e randul meu. Dau un 5 si un 6 si ajung pe 23. Pe patratul meu scrie: "Ia o carte". Pe cartea pe care am tras-o scrie:
"Pe dragon l-ai enervat
Vrea sa te faca aluat.
Fugi de el cat inca poti
Sau va va manca pe toti".
Un dragon zboara spre mine.
- Da cu zarul! Da cu zarul! ii strig eu lui Eric. 
El da cu zarul. Da un 5 si un 6 si ajunge pe 30, pe care scrie "Sfarsit". Amandoi incepem sa ne transformam inapoi, Dragonul incepe sa dispara. Dispare complet chiar cand era pe cale sa ma manance de viu. Incepem sa sarbatorim cand dintr-o data imi dau seama de ceva:
- Unde este Ianis? il intreb pe Eric.
- Cine?
Apoi imi dau seama ca eu sunt singura persoana care il mai tine minte. Ianis a fost sters din istorie.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Alien dentist

   One day I woke up with a huge pain on one tooth. My parents said I need to go to the dentist and they found the perfect one on a TV ad. They called to make an appointment and the dentist appointed me immediately.
   We left to the dentist's office. When we arrived we went inside the building. It gave me a weird sensation. It looked nothing like a dental office, it looked more like an abandoned building.
"Great! It's probably full of rats and bats.", I protested, but my parents disagreed. They said "It's the best dental office ever, the TV says so! And the TV never lies. It's simple, it's quick and it has no pain at all. What more do you want?". I responded: "Well, it should be less weird and what you hear on TV is not necessarily true."
   As we entered, a dark stairway full of strange green lights appeared. "It definitely is weird", I said. As we went closer and closer to the dental office, my skin began to shake with fright. When I entered, I saw that inside it looked normal. Maybe the dentist didn't have enough money to make the dental office look more friendly on the outside.
   I decided to explore the place a bit, because the dentist was busy with another patient. I searched around and found a door. I opened the door and found a strange creature lying on a bed. It looked like a huge lump of lime green jelly. The creature was connected to a very advanced looking machine. On the other end of the machine was a jar full of teeth. I watched in amazement as a skeleton was growing inside the weird invertebrate. I banged the door shut as I wasn't supposed to see that creature.

   I tried to tell my parents that I saw an alien in that room and that the dentist uses teeth to make skeletons for aliens, but they didn't believe me.They thought I was just scared,and I'm making up reasons for us to go home.
   When the dentist finished what kept him occupied, he invited me inside and put me on a chair. He connected a wire to my suffering tooth.Then, he pressed a button and my tooth popped out through the wire. I asked him to give me my tooth, but he said he needed it. He gave me some candies and told me not to dare tell my parents what happened there.
After this happened, I made sure I never get to the dentist again. I always wash my teeth properly and I don't eat as many sweets as before. I definitely don't want to make the aliens more powerful.

Lumea dinozaurilor

Doi oameni de stiinta au inventat o masina a timpului si au testat-o fara sa fie constienti de pericolul care ii astepta. Inventatorii au vrut sa se teleporteze 5 minute in viitor,dar ceva nu a functionat bine si s-au trezit saizeci de milioane de ani in trecut, in era Cretacica.
Oamenii de stiinta s-au uitat in jur si primul lucru pe care l-au vazut a fost un T-Rex. Au alergat cat de repede au putut pana la un adapost, din care au vazut inspaimantati cum dinozaurul a distrus singura lor sansa de a se intoarce inapoi in timp, masina timpului.
Cercetatorii au supravietuit timp de doi ani ascunzandu-se de dinozauri si mancand fructe ciudate si scarboase. Cateodata reuseau sa vaneze cate un dinozaur, si atunci aveau parte de un adevarat festin.
In timp ce urmareau un Stegosaurus, cerul s-a intunecat, soarele a disparut si pamantul s-a cutremurat. Cand si-au revenit era noapte. S-au retras in pestera in care traiau si au asteptat sa se faca dimineata. Dar din acea zi nu s-a mai facut niciodata dimineata. Si-au dat seama ca au fost martorii evenimentului despre care studiasera: caderea asteroidului pe Pamant, care a provocat intunericul, pentru ca Soarele a fost acoperit de praf, si in acelasi timp disparitia dinozaurilor.
Au mai trait cateva luni, timp in care au avut din ce in ce mai putina mancare. Plantele au disparut treptat, la fel si animalele. Nu aveau curaj sa mai iasa din pestera pentru ca dinozaurii care mai ramasesera erau infometati si agresivi.
In scurt timp ajunsesera sa-si doreasca moartea. Era intuneric tot timpul si sunete disperate rasunau mereu in aer. Erau strigate de foame ale dinozaurilor care inca mai supravietuiau.
Dupa zeci de milioane de ani, alti oameni de stiinta studiau uimiti o descoperire ciudata: pe langa scheletele de dinozauri gasite s-au descoperit si doua schelete umane, care datau din aceeasi perioada. Cercetatorii studiau cu uimire si resturile unei masinarii ciudate, care parea o tehnologie avansata chiar si pentru vremurile prezente.
O noua teorie a aparut in cartile de stiinta: se pare ca o civilizatie inteligenta, cel mai probabil extraterestra, a vizitat Pamantul in perioada dinozaurilor, civilizatie care semana foarte mult cu oamenii din zilele noastre.

Friday 20 June 2014

Knowledge World

   Once there was a boy named Robert, he was clever, intelligent and was best at math, literacy, topic and science. In his class, unlike other children he actually liked school.
One day when Robert was going to school he saw a sparkly energy ball. Robert frighteningly crept and touched it, suddenly a tornado appeared out of nowhere and spun Robert around as fast as lightning. Before finding himself in another world Robert was still spinning around like mad.
    The dimension Robert ended up was divided in three zones. One was a fiery zone full of dragons `and volcanoes. The second was a watery zone with krakens and giant lobsters. There was also a little zone no bigger than a house made out of wood and full of dusty bookshelves. It had only one window and it looked very much like a small library. On top of the door it said "Welcome to Knowledge World".
    Robert picked up an ancient dusty book titled "The History of Hell Fire Ocean". He opened it to a random page and read the following words: "... only the chosen one can stop this war. The blazing demons and the aquamarine creatures and mutants are fighting for power. The chosen one can stop the war and bring this world back to a peaceful and quiet planet, like we had it a million years ago. If you are the chosen one you must defeat Ashwings, the dragons' master, and Octos, the krakens' king. You need to bring Aswings' red talon and Octos's biggest tooth. To kill the creatures you must find The Sword of Elemental Power. You must find the wizard of Knowledge who can only be seen by the chosen one. The wizard will know what to do"
    Robert ran outside. He searched around for something to eat. He was starving and exhausted. Suddenly a crabby old voice popped in his mind: "The Sword of Elemental Power is hidden in Knowledge World, where the fire purify and the spirit reborn". Robert thought a second and then said "Weird! Wizard, could you give me another clue please?". But no crabby old voice responded. Suddenly an idea popped in Robert's head what if the ancient book had something about this so he opened it to a random page and this time read an interesting paragraph about the marvelous Phoenix. It said "The Phoenix lives in fiery places, there is only one in the whole world, when it dies it burns into ashes that reborn\and turn into a new Phoenix. Phoenix tears can cure any cuts."
    So Robert looked around the fire zone and spotted a sword next to a bird with blazing feathers it flew on Robert's shoulder. Robert picked up the sword and talked to the guard of the place, saying: "I've come to see Ashwings". The guard of the flaming palace saw the sward from Robert's hand and brought Robert to a great hall made out of ruby, emerald and diamond. Then Ashwing appeared out of nowhere and attacked Robert. He was a huge dragon with volcanoes on his back, he had orange skin and white talons except for a red one. Robert jumped up and cut the dragon's talon of his body. The dragon began to collapse as a fountain of lava came out of his foot.
    Robert slowly stared at the water kingdom when suddenly a bolt of lightning stroked the ground and a huge squid with slimy tentacles grabbed Robert and bit him, but the Phoenix cried on Robert and cured him. Then Robert threw the sword in the kraken's eye and ripped his longest tooth and then went back to the Knowledge World. There he saw an old crabby man who pulled out the tooth and the claw out of his hand then said: "Thank you "chosen one", now the war will end". 
Robert then opened his eyes. He was lying in bed. He realized it was all a dream.

                                                                     THE END

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Inside the Sphinx

- a story in the ancient Egypt -

It was break time at school. I ran quickly to the football pitch and I tripped on a golden bug with diamonds instead of eyes. It was a scarab beetle. I put it in a pocket hoping I could look at it more carefully when I’ll got home.
After school, when I went home, the scarab beetle fell in a small pond. Suddenly the pond turned purple and I could see an unclear image. I jumped into the water and found myself in a place that looks like the ancient Egypt. I was in a scorching and lonely desert but with majestic pyramids made out of sandstone and a magnificent sphinx dominating the area. There was one problem … I couldn’t find any way to get back home.
I tried to climb the sphinx. It was outrageously hard but when I finally climbed on the top I looked through the nostrils: in one was a bottle with a brown liquid. The bottle had a strange image on it. In the other nostril was a hole. Without thinking twice I jumped in the hole.
I landed in a cool dungeon made out of priceless diamonds and gold. Out of nowhere a pharaoh appeared and said: “Please help me… an evil genie wants to rule Egypt”. I stopped moving and said “but I don’t know how I could help you …” He looked at me and said: “I know you can help me. The legend says that a child will come and save us from the cruel wicked genie. Please, I could give you anything you want. You can have as many gold and diamonds as you can carry on.” I said “Fiiine”, but I still didn’t know what he wanted me to do. I followed the pharaoh through an emerald corridor full of sarcophagus. Suddenly a sarcophagus opened, then another one and another one and out of each sarcophagus slowly stepped old rotted mummies. I desperately run for my life until I reached a door. I open the door and inside was the genie. He laughed and said: “I was waiting for you …ha ha ha “. I took the bottle I found on the Sphinx’s nostril and throw it on the spirit’s face. Suddenly, the spirit began to melt and cried “Noooo !!!”
When I rested a second I saw an interesting chest nearby. I curiously opened it and found magnificent objects: golden statues covered in diamonds, bracelets and necklaces and lots more beautiful objects. I took the chest with me. It was so heavy.
When I finally left the room I saw a puddle and a scarab beetle. A smile appeared on my face as I throw the scarab beetle in the water. I could see my home in the water .